"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Monday, April 6, 2009

One Healthy Baby On Board!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the best picture, but here is baby # 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got in from the drs office and we have one very healthy baby on borad!!!!! We got to see and hear the heartbeat this morn!!!!!

I am 7 weeks and 1 day along!!!! Baby is measuring 7 weeks and 4 or 5 days along!!!! Things are looking good!!! I was released from infertility this morn!!! They told me to call and schedule my 1st OB visit.... I called and they want me to come in today.... Jason think they are jumping the gun/ fast forwarding the process... or something like that! I was like well no not really they just have an opening and opted to not go into the explanation of the long waits you have to get apts with the drs!!!!!

When we got to see our little one I was just so full of joy!!! That is still one of the best things in the world when you get to look at the screen and see the little human growing inside you!!!

My first thought was "Look at HIS heart beat!!!!" So for now I am calling "it" "our little guy"! I just jhave a feeling!!!!

Jason is hoping for one little boy!!!!!!! But we shall see!!!!!

As my nurse told us, we have 33 more weeks, or a little less!!!!


The Ramey's said...

I am so happy to hear that "he" is healthy. What great news!

Rachel said...

Congrats! I know Jason was relieved that there is only one baby in there :) I hope someone in Waterford has a boy for Wyatt to play with- pretty soon he'll be telling me that girls have cooties :)

Lauren said...

I am so glad that everything is going well with "Tucker"...LOL!! Take care and tell everyone hi!!

iMollie said...

Congratulations, Amanda! We can't wait to meet you and your growing family.