"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Count Your Blessings 1, 2, 3

I love that song.

Jason and I have been so blessed in our lives. I just feel that I need to express it and thank God for it on here as I have in prayers.

1. God brought Jason and I to each other, as we tell each other "A PERFECT FIT" ~ when Savannah was born Jason gave me a necklace from Kay Jewlers and the name of the series was Perfect Mates, it was part of the Journey series... it has emeralds and diamonds on one band and a gold band that fits together with it PERFECTLY. Thank you God for having each other in our lives
2. We have a precious little girl, Savannah. What a miracle any child is, and I enjoy watching her gorw and learn in the world. Kids are so cute and curious!!!
3. God has now blessed us another time with a little BOY, God is knitting him together inside me right now. How cool is it to be prat of a true miracle???
4. Jason and I have wonderful parents who raised us to be the strong man and woman we are today. They taught us how to live, work, and care for others. With our parents comes a HUGE family of caring and giving people.
5. We have such a wonderful group of friends, they are a support and encourage system.
6. We have a church home where we are involved and get to celcbrate Him all the time.

There are so many more...

Thank you Dear Lord for all that you have given to us.

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