"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

9-11 Do you remember???

Tomorrow is 9-11..... a day that our country was attacked but in the same instance it was brought together in a unity that I have never seen. Do you remember that sad Tuesday morn? Do you remember the weeks to follow?

I do, I can tell you that as a senior in high school I was forever changed that day. I was a shy little girl who did not think much of herself and would never state my opinion because I felt that it didn't matter. After that day and being part of my high schools SGA I had to become a leader, I was pushed into that leadership role. That day changed me in ways that even today suprise me.... I am proud of the changes!

That morn sitting in chapel (yes I went to a VERY small private Christian School) when my English teacher interrupted our pricipal... his face turned so white... I knew something was happening... she sat down behind me and I asked the question that so many people were thinking in that room "What in the world is going on" she said the words I never thought I would hear and never will forget "The United States is under attack, we have been attacked." The rest of the day was a vived blur if that makes sense.... we went to class only to turn back around and crowd around a small TV, the 2nd plane hit the buildings.... then we were in the chapel in front of a HUGE screen.... one of my best friends and I holding hands and leaning on each other as the 1 st of those mighty towers fell.... I cried.... then as I left for the day and had to be realeased from the school by a teacher and realized that "LOCK DOWN" was in full force and to get my little sis I had to wait on her teacher to walk her to me.... it was sureal.... that night I sat in my brothers floor in front of the TV watching the President speak and actually giving him my full attention (it was a 1st in my life) scared to death of what was going to happen and worrying about my BIG BROTHER who was in the Air Force.....

Yes I remember that day and even now as I sit and type it I cry, as I see specials on the TV I stop and watch them because my emotions wont let me turn the channel.... I read books about that day.... that day is in my past, but it is also my prsent and my future.... it is a peice of me.

I just wanted to say on here a huge THANK YOU to our armed forces, our police, and our fire fighters for the courageous things they do every day. They do it for us and for our safety and freedom.... Dont forget what they are fighting for!

God Bless Us!!!

1 comment:

Brad, Heather & Katie said...

Great post, wow you are young. i was a senior in college on that tragic day! My dad was in the air force and brad's family are marine men! We sure miss seeing you, hope we can get together sometime, sounds like you are just as busy as we are ;)