"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ENT... possible surgery

I had to go to the ENT yesterday for this sinus crud I have been dealing with for months now. And his verdict was.......

I have a bad sinus infection with Broncitis and he called it something like Brocial-Sinusitis... I am sure I mispelled that! Nothing contagious but something that cause me to get really sick when allergies flare up. He also said pregnancy does not help this it makes it worse but with me it did not matter either way cause pregnant or not I get it just as bad! So here is my future:

After little moebaby is born I have to go back and get evealuated, then I get to have a CT scan... I have a deviated septum that is causeing major issues on my left side... I have to sleep elevated forever (which is fine with me I am use to it now!) and the possibility of major sinus surgery is in the future.... which my wonderful huby says I don't need to do....

He says that it is not worth it, that everyone he has talked to says it does not work and they would never do it again.... he has only talk ed to 2 people... but my sis in law had it done and she does not really fight this crap like I do... and my lil sis boy friend had it done and he said it really was not that bad... I need to research this alittle more. Not that I can have it done for a few months anyways!

But on a good note my EARS looked great... I have had multiple ear surgeries so was expecting them to say something about them being bad!!!! But I have tried my best to avoid those problems like not swimming under water, becareful not to get water in my ears.... so on and so on!

Well that is my update on sickness.... the Moore household is a sickly bunch right now, Hubby and Savvy are fighting the same cough and crap! But none of us are contagious... just our wonderful allergies!

1 comment:

aha moments said...

Has anyone brought up a balloon sinuplasty procedure yet? In the course of my research on this topic I am seeing this come up as an alternative to sinus surgery.
I am sticking close by my neti pot and hoping I can handle it that way but I may be next for the ct scan ....