"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Friday, January 15, 2010

36 Weeks and counting

This week’s drs apt was kinda a letdown. I wanted to know if I was starting to dilate or anything and they decided I did not need to be checked since the previous week I had been and nothing was going on. I did ask him if could estimate the baby size and see if he was head down… as of 34 weeks Landon was head down! So the dr mashed around and said if I had him this week that he would be a little bitty thing, just barely 5lbs and that baby still appeared to be head down.

It is kinda weird to want to be check cause it is not a pleasant ordeal but I just want to make sure Landon does not mess up the BIG 2nd Birthday Party this week!

As I leave the dr I joke with him about Halloween saying I am gonna party and walk this baby out this weekend. My dr says well make sure it is Sunday cause I am on call!!!

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