"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday to Savannah

Hey there my beautiful girl! It is November 6th 2009 you are now 2 years old. I am so proud to be your mom. You have my heart!!! It has been a joy watching you grow and learn the past 2 years! You change so much everyday!

You are so smart and surprise me daily with your knowledge!

I sat there looking at you as we drove you to daycare this morn, wow you have grown so much and you are now a big sister! I can see all the love in your heart for your little brother!!!

I can remember like yesterday the day I had you!!!!

I woke up on that Tuesday morn at 1 am to my water breaking. I was not sure if that was what had happened. I called the nurse and told your daddy that I might have peed on myself I was not sure. We loaded everything up, stopped and filled the car up (I had forgotten to get gas, daddy was so happy with me!). We arrived at the hospital went to a triage room and never sat down they check my fluid and it was most def my water breaking… off to the room where we had you! You came at 2:24 on Nov 6, 2007 you were 7lbs 7ozs and 20.5 in long!!!

There is not a day that goes by that I am not overwhelmed with my love for you!

Happy 2nd Birthday Savannah!!

Mommy and Daddy love you!

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