"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Dear Jason,

We had a rough weekend I know. You worked all day long on Saturday and Sunday with only a few short breaks. You did this on your special day. When we were together our stress levels and tension were at an all time high for some reason. Maybe it is because we have both been so busy and running around with lifes crazy things.

I miss you.

I want you to know that you are a fantastic daddy and husband. God brought us together and I thank him everyday for the man he has put in my life. You are so caring and respectful. You are a wonderful leader and techer for our children. I cherish the time we have together.

I know our children (although still young) will learn from you and will be good people because of the leadership you give them. They love you so very much!!!!

God Bless You


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