"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

With Great Pride and Overwhelming Joy

I bring you a few Savannah quotes:

see bold words for her quotes!

When told Friday night by some friends "Roll Tide" Savannah responded with a BIG "War EEEagle!"

Turning on the TV Mon night football is on the screen "Daddy is that Auburn, War Eeeagle!!!"

Driving down the road and with daddy and they see a car with Auburn flags "Daddy, ook, they Auburn on the car. See daddy. We go to Auburn?" No baby not today we gotta go home. "But mommy took me to Auburn" Yes sweetie mommy did take you to Auburn.

And her favorite colors???? Orange and Blue... and no we did not pound that into her head she just has always known orange and blue... her fav is orange! And when she see anything with the Aubrurn logo on it or even just the word Auburn she knows it is Auburn and says "War Eeeagle!!!"

And now for a few more quotes from miss Savannah:
"No I not want to"
"I hold you mommy"
"No moomy I not like it yucky" after trying it "Yummy mommy I want more"
"I got my pack pack mommy now I go on the school bus"
"Mere babby, mere come on"
"Okk mommy orange on my dress and shoes orange I can wear these today with my dress" Sunday morn getting ready for Church and she is picking out shoes... All Jason could say was oh dear Lord is it really starting now?
"I dance daddy, pwease, I wanna dance"

She is way too smart for her own good!

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