"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Monday, January 25, 2010

No No Savannah It Is War Eagle

So the 1st 2 weeks baack at work have not been wonderful and I must say have made me want to run for the hills... but you know what I am going to stand strong and swing with the punches sent my way!!!! Gotta focus on my work and also keep a running tab for HR on other issues... I can do this and with God I will make it through the darkness here!

Home life is going well, Jason and I are working on getting into a routine with the kiddos and so far so good... Landon is starting to sleep through the night and we are moving him to his room (SNIFF SNIFF) and Savannah is doing pretty good sleep in her room by herself... we struggle through this but it will take about a week and then she will be set!

We had a wonderful weekend, shopping with Poppy and Nanny, playing with friends, church and I learned how to make these awesome shirts for the kiddos... Savannah has her 1st mommy creation on today!

So What Is That I Hear???????
One day last week as I took Savannah to school I hear her say a phrase I never thought I would hear her say... "ROOOOOOLLLLL TIDE"


She had said it once or twice befroe but this time she will not stop saying it over and over and over...

Saturday she runs to Poppy (my dad) and screams "Roll Tide" and he about falls of the stoll he is sitting on


So last night we started working "Roll Tide BOOOOOOOO War Eagles YEAH" She is catching on quickly!!!!!

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