"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Return to Work

I took all last week off to enjoy the Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas TX it was a blast.

Then on Thursday we took my lil sis down to Auburn to pick out an apartment... sniff sniff I can not believe she is moving away. And to Auburn... might be a tad jelous of that part!

Anyways then Friday I unpacked, did laundry and rested. Saturday was about the same just restful hanging out with good friends.

Sunday I attened a baby shower for Norah and Zach... sorry guys for mispelling the names but I got it now!!!

Then I went home...

Savannah started acting funny and got all glassy-eyed... she had a fever of close to 102... my head started hurting.

I woke up Monday morn and my voice was gone, I could not swallow and I felt HORRIBLE. I also was running a temp of around 101...

$90 and a visit to the ENT for Vannah Landon and I we found out that Landon has a double ear infection, Savannah had a slight ear infection and a start of some sort of throat infection and I had Strep Throat... and tonsilitis...

What a day!

So yesterday I rested and have returned to work today... but I am struggleing!

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