"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy

This time last year I was being prepped for surgery.....

Haloween 2009
Savannah's 2nd Birthday Party
I was a pumpkin farmer carrying around a giant pumpkin (my big ole pregnant belly)

We had a blast at the party then went Trick or Treating around the neighborhood.

We returned home and Vannah went to bed while Jason, Aunt Shelia and I cleaned up the house. Let's just say I was in nesting mode times 10!!!

Jason and I went to bed and around midnight I woke up uncomfy... so I went to the couch. Around 3 am I was still uncomfy and went to talk to Jason... then I noticed a wave and pattern to the uncomfy feeling. So I started timing them. They were anywhere from 2 mins to 20 mins apart. Sparratic and weird but they were def contractions. Mr Landon was not happy about them... he kicked after each one. Around 8 am Jason decided that we needed to go in and get checked so if it was a false alarm we could come home in time to watch the race...

Off we went headed to St Vincant.

Triage room 1... hooked up to monitors... being checked... NO PROGRESS..... my Dr (who was on call) came in and check me too... he says you are 3 cm dialated however the babies head is nowhere close to being head down.... WHAT... so they get a portable ultrasound machine, sure enough Landon is side ways...

I am going to have to have a c section.


2:22 Landon Christopher Moore has arrived, 8lbs 3ozs, 21 and 3/4 in long... what a BIG boy!


I can not beleive that day was a year ago.

My baby has become a toddler over night.

Will update with Birthday pics and stats later this week!!!


Dear Landon,

You have a special place in mommy's heart sweet boy. You brighten my day when you smile at me and give me your famous grin! I have loved you from the day I found out I was pregnant with you. You were such a cute bald baby! You were born 3 weeks early but were in perfect health and a very healthy size. Our time together before mommy went back to work went by way too fast, you were such a good and happy baby.

I have enjoyed watching you grow however there have been times when I wanted to rewind and pause on certain stages... I miss my little boy who I could hold and snuggle, you are quite independant these days!!! But you melt my heart when you reach for me, or when you lay your head on my shoulder.

You are trying to walk, love to dance, you find your big sister hilarious, you clap, sing, and talk. I love looking in the review mirrior and see your head bobbing and shoulder moving to the radio.

Sweet baby boy, know that you are greaqtly loved and you have touched ourlives and many around you!

I love you


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