"Two Hearts Beating As One"

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The aches of the holidays

This year has been full of trials and tribulations...

I have overcome some things and I am a much happier person because of those victories over isses, thank God for freeing me and helping heal the wound. We studied Captivating and I loved it this fall/winter at church. It brought me to a wonderful place.

Meanwhile I still struggle with different things, but I have the strength to heal and overcome it...

But I sit here tonight and wonder WHY

Why do marriages end?
Wny do people stop loving others?
Why does this effect EVERYONE?
Why do friends take sides?
Why do I have to loose people I love and care for?
Why do people who dislike me take it out on my child?
Why in the world are there cliques?
Why do people accuse and talk about others in such hurtful ways?
Why when you tell the truth do they still not believe you?
Why do they not care or even hurt?

I just do not understand people pulling away and acting like I am disposible.

I do matter and I am a great person... why is it so easy to walk all over me and then leave me with no 2nd thoughts?

Why does it seem even when I take myself from situations those people still try and bring me down.

I must not let them have this power over me... but at times I sit and wonder.

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